We've covered the world of social networking as a small business marketing tool before on the Friday-Ad Business Blog. When web-based tools are used in a way that's appropriate to your business, it can end up as an engaging and rewarding method of reaching out while cutting marketing costs.
Saying that though, it's not hard to see why a lesser-confident web user would get their Twitter mixed up with their YouTube, and their Flickr muddled with their Delicious. Happily, the Guardian have saved the day with a very informative article on using web tools as part of your marketing arsenal.
Helen Keegan, the MD and founder of UK mobile marketing agency, BeepMarketing, has found such tools invaluable. "I use web 2.0 technologies because, as a consultant, they build up my personal brand to be top of mind in people's minds," she says. "You need to strike a balance between your personal communication style and the audience you want to reach."
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